Montana [Physician Loans]

…admitted into the Union in 1889. The state is known for its big ranches and stunning landscapes, as well as Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park. Commonly referred to…

Are Legal Jobs Secure?

…many lawyers leave their first job within the first 2-3 years and I’d haphazard a guess that most lawyers in private practice wonder if they’ll be practicing law in 20-30…

How to Visualize Your Money

Sometimes I need something visual to fully comprehend what’s happening. That’s why I took one of the site’s most popular posts, Sample Budget: 1st Year Associate, and created a visual…

Quit Biglaw: Develop a Plan to Exit

…extremely competitive to get into. Most Biglaw attorneys came out of top schools (like the T14 law schools), with stellar grades, and competed with a tough crowd of law students…

Indiana [Physician Loans]

Key Terms An Indiana physician mortgage loan comes with high loan limits and options for up to 100% financing. Student debt typically receives favorable treatment by lenders who make physician…

Kansas [Physician Loans]

…may want to ask yourself a few additional questions. To start with, are you ready to plant roots in your part of Kansas? Are you committed to your job and…

Where Are All The Rich Lawyers?

…law practices, so there is no possibility for non-lawyers to join and grow practices since law firms can only offer them salaries and not equity positions. This is different than…

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One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.