Savings Accounts Are Not Risk Free

…wait for a time in the future when they’ll know what to do with it. But of course that time never comes. Make no mistake about it. Keeping a large…

Budgeting is For Beginners

…we’re all on the same page when it comes to defining a budget. A budget is a spending plan. It’s a forward guess as to where you’ll be allocating your…

457(b) Plans (The Foundation Series)

…(of course!), 457(b) deferred compensation plans allow employees to defer compensation on a pre-tax basis. In that sense, they are quite similar to a typical 401(k) plan. The plans are…

Uncompensated Risk: Why You Should Avoid It

…taking on risk for free? There is a difference between compensated risk and uncompensated risk. If you choose to take a compensated risk, it will increase the expected return of…

How to Get Rich As A Lawyer

…lot of lawyers are leaking money without fully comprehending its impact. I know this is true for me. I wrote about how I lost $10,000 investing on a speculative company…

Maximizing Your Health Dollars

If you don’t want to pay taxes on your income going in, while its growing and when you take it out, there’s no other triple-tax free way to earn and…

Guaranteed Return: Shift Your Income

…on the same page financially with your significant other and coming up with shared goals is an entirely different level of complication. First, you have to make time to hash…

Save more money than your friends

One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.