Private Student Loans – An Introduction

…to 48 on-time payments. Consumers have also complained of being required to complete forms that are often not available on websites or in an electronic form. It’s as if the…

The Three Stages of Financial Independence

…financial independence and how I plan to reach each stage. But, regardless of the three different stages to financial independence, they all have one basic thing in common: You don’t…

Ohio [Physician Loans]

…or refinancing a home in the state to obtain better terms and different payment options. This program may help qualified people enter homeownership without a large down payment and, for

Insider Trading and Dumb Lawyers

…of a spouse of a lawyer at an international law firm who, according to the complaint, traded on inside information obtained from the spouse and then spent some time on…

Utah [Physician Loans]

…with a Utah physician loan? All of these plusses may come at a higher interest rate, when compared to the average conventional loan. You may also need to open a…

Wealthy Lawyers Found: Next Door!

Today’s post comes via an article I wrote for Law Practice Today about the problems with lawyers and the under accumulation of wealth. Here’s an excerpt from the article: If…

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One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.