The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate is Fine

…and some years you withdraw very little when the market is bad. Here’s a great takedown on the Bogleheads about the complexity vs simplicity when it comes to SWR. The…

The 6 Most Popular DSCR Loan Lenders in New York

…is required. Loan amounts of up to $3 million. 30- and 40-year fixed-rate mortgages, as well as 5/6 and 7/6 adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). Minimum credit score of 599 required Combined…

Getting Engaged: Should You Buy Ring Insurance?

…that community know what they’re talking about. The forums contain a lot of posts covering Jewelers Mutual. They are a standalone insurance company that only provides insurance on jewelry. Jewelers…

Hard Money Lendingā€”PeerStreet Update

…the comment suggested) a scenario where you’re an unsecured lender against a fintech company that could go belly up at any moment. Your note is tied to the corresponding mortgage…

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