The Biglaw Investor Portfolio

…JL Collins thinks you can skip the international component entirely since United States companies are exposed to international markets anyway. I think he might be right. I’m sticking with the…

How to Prioritize Your Dollars

…as great “emergency funds” because, if you absolutely had to, you can withdraw contributions at anytime without paying any taxes or fees. I wrote a Backdoor Roth IRA guide to…

Looking Ahead 18 Months

Graduating high school felt like both scary and exhilarating at the same time. Finally I left behind the rules and order of forced schooling but with great freedom came great…

Abandon Your Motivation Today

…learned lesson of life that motivation alone is completely insufficient to get anything of value accomplished. Those that rely on motivation alone are setting themselves up for failure. Is this…

News Flash: Social Security Exists!

…a few paragraphs, there are certain benefits which you may be eligible to receive now, such as disability and survivor benefits. There are three main components to Social Security benefits:…

The Top Biglaw Investor Posts for 2017

…IRA: A How-To Guide. If you’re looking for step-by-step instructions on how to complete a Backdoor Roth IRA, look no further. Several thousand of you did so this year. Good…

All You Need Is A Thousand 1,000s

…but it adds up over time, particularly when you have a variety of these checks coming in. I’m not very good at the active hustle these days (like Financial Panther…

Student Loan Forgiveness After 20 Years

Many post-grad law students out there have to deal with student loan debt. It usually comes with the territory of paying for tuition and the bar exam. Some students are…

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One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.