Calculating Present Value of a Pension

…$590 a month in 2016. While I won’t be living the high life on $590 a month, that’s enough to easily cover my grocery bills for a month for a…

4 Best Jumbo Loans in Idaho

…one loan to finance a property instead of combining several mortgages. Idaho is a tried and true Western state, with beautiful mountains, vast agricultural plains, and some of the heartiest…

Regions Bank Physician Mortgage Program

It is well known that medical and dental schools in the US aren’t cheap. Research completed by in 2021 shows that, on average, medical school graduates in the US…

Don’t Lose Your Reimbursable Expenses

for categorizing these transactions over the year. Here is my current system. When an expense comes in that is reimbursable, I move it out of the current account (usually a…

The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate is Fine

…and some years you withdraw very little when the market is bad. Here’s a great takedown on the Bogleheads about the complexity vs simplicity when it comes to SWR. The…

Are Your Taxes Going Up?

There’s been a lot of articles lately about the recently passed Senate tax plan. Now that the Senate and House have both approved the most significant revision of the tax…

Congratulations, You Got a Raise. Now What?

…years of service rather than merit. Of course this changes completely when you’re a business owner, but salaried legal jobs seem to follow this pattern. Knowing that you’ll have automatic…

Quit Biglaw: Develop a Plan to Exit

…extremely competitive to get into. Most Biglaw attorneys came out of top schools (like the T14 law schools), with stellar grades, and competed with a tough crowd of law students…

Should You Use a Mortgage Broker?

…potential mortgages for you to consider. The mortgage broker will also assist you in qualifying for the different potential mortgages by compiling all of your important financial information, like your…

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