Budgeting is For Professionals

…looking at making 10% or 20% gains. You need the slightest edge to overcome your competitors because the slightest edge is all that’s left. So, if you’re a personal finance…

5 Best Jumbo Loans in Maine

…with a jumbo loan. You may know this New England state for its lobster rolls and stunning, rocky coastline, but Mainers themselves think of their state as a much more…

Make Investing Harder, Not Easier

Recently I came across an interesting article from the early 20th century about a new management system employed at Pullman (the company responsible for manufacturing most of the country’s railroad…

4 Best Land and Lot Loans in Tennessee

…can put you in touch with them directly. 2. Northeast Community Credit Union If you’d prefer to work with a credit union when it comes to purchasing land, Northeast Community…

Laurel Road Physician Mortgage Program

…with millions of new mortgages signed each day. If you’re carrying too much debt due to overwhelming school loans, however, seeing this come to fruition can be difficult. Saving for

Don’t Be An Investing Clown

…the “hot” stocks for the upcoming year. “LET’S BEAT THE MARKET!” they say. We can do better than 21.83%. When will the majority of investors realize that financial news is…

Secrets from That Person in the Mirror

comparison seriously. They’re not spending their time reading up on the latest books in sports performance and studying the rotation of his swing. Yet many of those same lawyers are…

Cold Offers: What They’re Like and How to Avoid Them

…program barring exceptional circumstances. When law firms have reasons to slow their hiring, often due to financial woes, those return offer rates can temporarily drop industry wide. Some examples include…

What’s the Average Market Return?

Compound Annual Growth Rate is a “smoothed” interest rate that tells you an investment’s yield on an annually compounded basis. In other words, it’s the number you’d actually need to…

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