New York Legal Recruiters

Top cities in New York New York City Looking for a legal recruiter in a different city? If you’re looking to find a legal recruiter in another city, click on…

5 Best Construction Loans in Maryland

Key Terms Construction loans in Maryland are a popular option for those looking to build a new home or renovate an existing property. These loans typically require a higher down…

What Happens If You Google Investing

…it comes to risk-aversion and preference for the doing the same thing each time. Have you ever seen a contract that says “NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and…

Arizona [Physician Loans]

…on the NMLS, such as medical residents who have just received a high offer, these loans make sense. New doctors can use these to buy a new home without having…

Why This Election is About Financial Independence

…If you’re looking to take back control, I can think of no greater step you can take as an individual than to get in control of your finances. [youtube]…

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First Republic Bank Instructions

Either send me an email at with the words “First Republic Referral” in the subject line or contact my banker, Kerry Berchtold at 310-772-1986 or and let her know you were…

PeerStreet Review: An Investor’s Look

…look good to you? Back in April, I decided to test the waters with real estate lending by opening an account at a company called PeerStreet. The rest of the…

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One email each week covers personal finance, financial independence, investing and other stuff for lawyers that makes you better.