The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate is Fine

and some years you withdraw very little when the market is bad. Here’s a great takedown on the Bogleheads about the complexity vs simplicity when it comes to SWR. The…

Are Your Taxes Going Up?

…during committee meetings when they reconcile the two bills and some proposals will be eliminated during the final rounds of horse trading. Of course, there’s also the possibility that the…

Congratulations, You Got a Raise. Now What?

…years of service rather than merit. Of course this changes completely when you’re a business owner, but salaried legal jobs seem to follow this pattern. Knowing that you’ll have automatic…

Will PSLF Go Away?

…I can completely understanding wanting to keep up-to-date on policy matters regarding PSLF. It’s a smart move on your part. Most of the concern over PSLF comes from a few…

Quit Biglaw: Develop a Plan to Exit

…extremely competitive to get into. Most Biglaw attorneys came out of top schools (like the T14 law schools), with stellar grades, and competed with a tough crowd of law students…

5 Best Jumbo Loans in Massachusetts

and a thrilling coastline filled with one-of-a-kind islands. Residents of the Bay State are famously proud of their home commonwealth and that’s no wonder, given its long history and rich…

4 Best Land and Lot Loans in West Virginia

…owned lender, Clear Mountain Bank offers a complete range of mortgage lending solutions to those in North-Central West Virginia and Western Maryland. The bank offers competitive rates on land only…

3 Best Jumbo Loans in Oklahoma

Key Terms Jumbo loans in Oklahoma outpace conventional mortgages when it comes to their limits. Borrowers do not need a lot of money down to get an Oklahoma jumbo loan….

We’re Abandoning PSLF

(Update: Following publication of this article, Travis from Student Loan Planner reached out to me (see his comment below). After speaking to him, I have a follow-up post coming on…

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