Slashing Your Phone Bill With Corporate Discounts

…your mobile phone company (linked below). The mobile phone company identifies you by the domain name in your email address. If you qualify, you will receive a link via email…

Defeating the Imposter Syndrome

If you’re like a lot of lawyers, you graduate law school, pass the bar and instantly realize you have no clue how to practice law. If you’re not a lawyer…

How to Get Student Loan Assistance from LRAP

…providing funding to legal organizations who specialize in essential legal services. These organizations are known for training a lot of new attorneys. What many people may not know is that…

5 Best Construction Loans in Mississippi

…the state. Many people turn to construction loans to help them complete the project. When you’re getting a new construction loan in Mississippi, it’s essential to compare the best construction…

7 Best Land and Lot Loans in Florida

…lenders in Florida that offer land loans (sometimes called lot loans). Per the New Estimates of Value of Land of the United States, the value per acre of land in…

What Does a $160K Paycheck Look Like in NYC?

…First-Year Associate that is updated to reflect the $[table “19” could not be loaded /] starting salary for many first-year Biglaw lawyers. Want to download the paystub as a PDF?…

Is Bitcoin a Good Investment?

…of exchange. Currency prices, like all other market prices, should incorporate all available information. Think of it this way: if you could buy a brand new computer using euros at…

How to Buy a Million-Dollar Life Insurance Policy

obtaining a million-dollar life insurance policy, what term life insurance is, the factors involved in obtaining one, and whether or not you actually need a million-dollar policy. What is term…

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