Real Estate Agents: Everything You Need to Know

and collect and distribute commissions between agents on either side of a transaction.  The commission structure is set by the seller who pays the commission for their listing agent as…

Best Legal Recruiters in Atlanta for Associates

…so many job opportunities and a vibrant, diverse community, Atlanta has become a top destination for numerous employers in the Atlanta area, including companies that have national renown and a…

Backdoor Roth IRA: A How-To Guide

…backdoor Roth IRA? A Roth IRA is an individual retirement account (IRA) containing investments with tax benefits like tax-free growth and qualified tax-free distribution or withdrawal (extenuating exemptions also available)….

How to Budget in Law School

…them down. Law Student Budget Downloadable template for creating a law school budget for those interested in building wealth. Download Budget  JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecTotal Income Loans$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$1,155$13,860 Income$750$750$750$750$750$750$750$750$750$750$750$750$9,000 Contributions$500$500$500$500$500$500$500$500$500$500$500$500$6,000 Total$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$2,405$28,860 Housing Rent($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($800)($9,600) Insurance($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($20)($240)…

10 Best Gifts for Law School Grads

exam again), now begins the life of the commuting professional. Most first-year Biglaw associates will find themselves in one major metropolitan area or another, joining the throngs of professionals dutifully…

Best Legal Recruiters in Chicago for Associates

…States. These companies are headquartered or have major offices in the area, but their reach extends far beyond the Windy City. Boeing International, for example, has an important footprint in…

Best Legal Recruiters in Denver for Associates

…city of Denver is home to 10 Fortune 500 companies, which provides ample opportunities to attorneys practicing in the area to gain experience in diverse fields. Geography also allows Denver…

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