Asset Location in Tax-Protected Space

…the assets. Example 1 had a $125 greater return than Example 2 because Example 1 is a 57/43 split between stocks and bonds on an after-tax basis, whereas Example 2…

10 Best Life Insurance Companies in Kentucky

…life insurance companies in a different state? If you want to find the best life insurance companies in other states, click on your state below. Compare Quotes from 100+ Companies…

Where to Park Short-Term Savings

…while you may get a tax-free return that beats an online savings account, you are taking on some risk and have to be comfortable with seeing your account balance drop….

PSLF: The Lawyer’s Loophole

…be a little upset … Further Reading: Law schools devise debt-free path Georgetown, Other Elite Law Schools Exploit Loophole to Offer ‘Free’ Tuition Law Schools Devise Trick To Game Taxpayers…

5 Financial Steps for Savvy Summer Associates

…events, go home and sleep. Sleeping is free. The key is that you’re trying to build good habits now when it comes to protecting your income. This means being smart…

How to Pay for Law School

…gives you a free pass until you start working but make no mistake about it, you’ll eventually have to pay back the interest too. As an example, if you borrow…

10 Best Life Insurance Companies in Kansas

…life insurance companies in a different state? If you want to find the best life insurance companies in other states, click on your state below. Compare Quotes from 100+ Companies…

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